Saturday, September 17, 2011


What makes a paper valid?
 I think that the sources need to get legitimate and are the references experts. Also I think it is important that the experiment can be replicated and the same results are concluded.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.
“I don’t much care where –” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.”

Why do we need a personal development Plan? and the simple answer is to be successful!

After looking through many examples and speaking with some of my wonderful friends I have put together a list of things, in my opinion, should be in every one's PDP!

1. Your life purpose/ mission- this would include what you want out of life, what you want to accomplish, what makes you happy or what were you born to do and be apart of. For example mine is
(be successful, to help injured athletes achieve their full potential, to use my knowledge and skills to make someone better and give them opportunities they otherwise might not of had, to help make society be more healthy and live better lives, by maintaining their movement and mobility)

2. Dreams/ Goals- In my opinion these are very important. Goals keep you focused and remind you what you want out of life. You should list short term and long term goals. My big life goals are listed below on my blog page.

3. Values-  Values and beliefs are very important! Remembering who you are and who you want to be will help you when making ethical decisions in the work place. " if you don't stand for something, you will far for anything."

for example- I very strongly believe in my christian faith and value my religious community. I value hard work, family, financial security, great friendships, supportive and positive people and environments, education, and a healthy life style.

4. Lessons/ mistakes- I actually find this very interesting and think it would have great impact. As humans I feel like we all think we are perfect and try to forget the mistakes of the past. But without the past you wouldn't be who you are today. This portion isn't meant to dwell on the past but rather to remind yourself of the lessons we have learned along the way. These may be extremely private and very hard to face, but this is to hold ourselves accountable and will prove to future employers that they can also hold us accountable for our actions.

for example- I learned the hard way to value my education, I would skip classes and not do my homework to the best of my ability, and because of my actions I almost ruined my dreams/ goals of my future career. This is a great way to remind myself what is at stake.

5. Accomplishments- Big or small, celebrate the little successes in life whether it be running a marathon or finishing a long over due "To Do List" Everyone has minor successes each and everyday, and its those little successes that will help us accomplish our big goals

after five years in your career, what should you have on your PDP

1. self assessment plan- have you gotten done what you had planned, and does a new road map need to get put in place. Also, having outside input to asses where you are.

2. financially stable and planning for the future experiences
3. action plan- it's not good enough to just have goals or a road map. How are you going to get to your goals? What are you actively going to do? and to correct if you aren't where you want to be

also, including a value list and a skills list 

How much does a penny weigh?

Today in Issues for Science Professionals, APSC-311 class we were asked a very simple question how much does a penny weigh? At first glance this looks like a very simple question and could be answered very quickly by replying  2.5 grams approximately.  However, Dr. Schultz asked the full question like this, "It is Saturday morning 9 am, and I walk by acoustic cafĂ©, and I look on the side walk and there is a penny there I pick up the penn,y how much does it weigh?" and knowing him there was a reason why he asked it like this.  My answer is I do not have enough information to give the proper answer. First of all it depends on the date. After doing some research I found that the Indian Head pennies dated 1864 to 1909 weigh 3.11 grams. The Lincoln, Wheat Ears Reverse penny weighs 3.11 grams except for steel cents made only in 1943 that weigh 2.67 grams. The Lincoln, Memorial Reverse penny (1959 to mid 1982) weighs 3.11 grams.The Lincoln, Memorial Reverse penny (mid 1982 to present) weighs 2.5 grams. Secondly, is the penny clean and is perfect condition, Or is there gum stuck to it or has it gone through a lawn mower and has part of it missing.
