Saturday, November 26, 2011


Implementing a Lean Process
The elimination of waste is defined by three broad types of waste: Muda, Muri, and Mura. I used the original seven Muda to go through and make sure my desk space is efficient and I am able to utilize all of the work area, to get homework and other paperwork done quickly and with high quality.

The original seven muda are:
·         Transport (moving products that are not actually required to perform the processing)
    • My desk was a mess; I had tons of things all over my work space that had nothing to do with preforming homework. I cleaned off my desk putting the unneeded items in their appropriate place.
·         Inventory (all components, work in process and finished product not being processed
    • I know have a filing system for my homework. I have post-its for class that I write out all my tasks for the week on. I do them in other of when they are due. When the homework is done I put it in a file organizer I have in my back pack and then it is ready to be handing in.
·         Motion (people or equipment moving or walking more than is required to perform the processing)
    • I have all of my pens and pencil on the desk top for quick and easy access. I also have my primary books on my desk for easy resources. With having all the components need to preform my homework, at easy access, my homework can be done more efficiently and with higher quality.
·         Waiting (waiting for the next production step)
    • There are always new ways to improve and be more efficient.
·         Overproduction (production ahead of demand
    • Over our thanksgiving break, I have definitely utilized my time by finishing all old assignments and by getting a head start on studying for finals and finish final projects.
·         Over Processing (resulting from poor tool or product design creating activity)
    • So far I have not run into any poor tool or poor design. This have process have I implemented is working very well for me and is easy for me to maintain.
·         Defects (the effort involved in inspecting for and fixing defects)
It was a concern for me that with just a few busy days I would have a messy work space again. However, finding an efficient place for all of those items has proven very successful in keeping the work space clean and operating smoothly.
This whole process has proved very successful. After implementing this new process, I have not missing any assignments or quizzes. I have also improved my quiz and exams score by almost 25%. Being able to get my work done more efficiently is allowing me to have more time to study and has cut stress out of my life.

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