Friday, December 9, 2011

Post 15

Blog Post 15: Entrepreneurship

I feel like with the pursuit of my career I have both businessperson traits and entrepreneur traits. First, I exhibit business traits through my value in wanting a stable and comfortable situation. However, the majority of my traits are entrepreneur. I plan to move to North Carolina, which is high risk to pursue a sports medicine program. I plan on opening an Olympic center, which is starting a new business. I am also a huge planner and always have been. I have a very high value in organization and want structured plan for everything ranging from my daily routine to even a time line for the rest of my life. However, I am not so naïve that I don’t realize that plans are always subject to change. I am also very self-motivated, with a constant drive to keep improving and moving forward. The signature for my emails is “UP&ONWARD.”  I am always striving to better myself and the people around me. I also have a very high value for travel, change and adventure. I show this in my life goals of my PDP. I want to travel to Bali and to take other high risk trips such as a medical mission trip.  My ideas for my future may not be extremely unique; however, they are driven by the fact that I want to make a difference in people’s lives and to make a difference in the world. Being an entrepreneur isn’t always just about starting a business or developing something new. I would consider anyone pursuing any career out of the normal to be a great entrepreneur. The weakness that could come with being an entrepreneur is that there should be a solid foundation before pursuing each new step. Having big hopes and dreams is awesome; however, if there is no funding, or a lack of education you are just setting yourself up for failure. The world is changing quickly and people who are not on their toes will be quickly left behind. People need to be proactive in always looking towards the future. It’s never too early to start planning and getting a good solid foundation in place. For example, I have currently started making “fake” car payments. My car that I have had since high school, is on its’ last leg. By making fake payments, I am testing to see if my budget can handle these payments, and if I am able to keep on top of the payments each month. The second purpose for these payments is once I am ready to buy a car; I will have enough set away for a sizable down payment. This is just an example of how I try to set myself up for success and happiness. I truly believe that both business and entrepreneur can be happy, it all depends on the individual’s values and needs.   

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Final PDP

Personal Development Plan
Whitney Nicole Anderson
Applied Science Major at University of Wisconsin- Stout
Interdisciplinary concentration
Coaching and Health and Fitness minor

 What is my objective?
To be successful, to help injured athletes achieve their full potential, to use my knowledge and skills to make someone better and give them opportunities they otherwise might not of had. To help make society be healthier and live better lives, by maintaining their movement and mobility and promoting an active life style.

What are my strengths?
I have a strong background in biology and in health and fitness that I have obtained from my studies at UW-Stout. For 4 years I have experienced extensive first hand athletic training skills and have mastered majority of the techniques in prevention of injury and care for the athletes. I also have a vast knowledge and experience in CPR and first aid through working as a lifeguard for 6 years. I am a quick learner, very organized, time management skills and great leadership skills.

What are my values?
I very strongly believe in my Christian faith and value my religious community. I value hard work, family, financial security, great friendships, supportive and positive people and environments, my education and a healthy active life style.

 What are my goals for life?
1. Be the Head of an athletic Department for a Professional sports team
2. Graduate top of my class from Western Carolina University
3. Travel to Bali
4. Go on a medical mission trip to a 3rd world country
5. Coach a team to a championship
6. Leave a legacy
7. Teach my children the importance of education and helping others
8. Own and run a professional Olympic center
9. Never miss anything that’s important to my family
10. To make every day better than the one before

What areas do I need to develop?
I will be heading to a doctor of Physical theory graduate program to further my education and development as a Physical therapist.

How can I create opportunities?
I can create opportunities by meeting all the qualifications to be accepted into my future career. Also, by making and keep great friends and contacts in my field. I also believe by staying positive and by working hard great opportunities will always find their way to you.

What threats are there to prevent me moving on?
Financial backing is always a concern as graduate programs are not cheap. However, working part-time and receiving financial aid should help to fix that problem. There is also the issues that fate decided to through into one’s life without warning; however, I am not concerned of the timeline my goals will be completed.

 Time line
1-3 years – Have graduated from UW-Stout with a bachelor’s of science in Applied Science, to be enrolled in the Western Carolina University in the Doctor of physical theory graduate program. Be in a stable long term relationship.
4-10 years – Have graduated top of my class from the program, have been hired to a collegiate athletic training program. Have gotten married, and purchased a car.
11-20years- have been promoted to the head of the department, purchased a house. Had 2 -3 children and continuing my education
21-30 years – To have moved on to a professional athletic training program and continuing my education. Start getting plans in place for the Olympics center. (Partners, building, trainers, coaches, and backing)
31-40 years- To retire from head of the department of the professional sports team, and move to running the Olympic center full time, Which will be fully staff and daily practices of Olympic athletes. Have my kids in college/ married
41-50 years- to retire and travel with my husband, and to spent time with my family and grandkids.
51-60 years- to write a cook book and have it published
61-70 years- to have succeeded in all of my goals and be able to pass down my legacy and volunteer full time.

 Action List – Next Steps
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Be sure to update your CPD record to capture the development activities which support my PDP.
Reflective Learning
Each year I will re-evaluation my goals and my strategies of obtaining those goals. I will learn from the past and each year learning how to improve and how to succeed more efficiently.  Also, remembering to celebrate all of my successes along the way.

“Always Up & Onward”


Implementing a Lean Process
The elimination of waste is defined by three broad types of waste: Muda, Muri, and Mura. I used the original seven Muda to go through and make sure my desk space is efficient and I am able to utilize all of the work area, to get homework and other paperwork done quickly and with high quality.

The original seven muda are:
·         Transport (moving products that are not actually required to perform the processing)
    • My desk was a mess; I had tons of things all over my work space that had nothing to do with preforming homework. I cleaned off my desk putting the unneeded items in their appropriate place.
·         Inventory (all components, work in process and finished product not being processed
    • I know have a filing system for my homework. I have post-its for class that I write out all my tasks for the week on. I do them in other of when they are due. When the homework is done I put it in a file organizer I have in my back pack and then it is ready to be handing in.
·         Motion (people or equipment moving or walking more than is required to perform the processing)
    • I have all of my pens and pencil on the desk top for quick and easy access. I also have my primary books on my desk for easy resources. With having all the components need to preform my homework, at easy access, my homework can be done more efficiently and with higher quality.
·         Waiting (waiting for the next production step)
    • There are always new ways to improve and be more efficient.
·         Overproduction (production ahead of demand
    • Over our thanksgiving break, I have definitely utilized my time by finishing all old assignments and by getting a head start on studying for finals and finish final projects.
·         Over Processing (resulting from poor tool or product design creating activity)
    • So far I have not run into any poor tool or poor design. This have process have I implemented is working very well for me and is easy for me to maintain.
·         Defects (the effort involved in inspecting for and fixing defects)
It was a concern for me that with just a few busy days I would have a messy work space again. However, finding an efficient place for all of those items has proven very successful in keeping the work space clean and operating smoothly.
This whole process has proved very successful. After implementing this new process, I have not missing any assignments or quizzes. I have also improved my quiz and exams score by almost 25%. Being able to get my work done more efficiently is allowing me to have more time to study and has cut stress out of my life.

POST 13: Peer Evaluation

After going over the criteria discussed in class, our group has determined the final criteria in which each member will be rated on by fellow group members. Each member will get a rating 1 to 10 for each of the following catagories. All members will fill out this survey for each member of the group,including oneself.

1. Attendance/participation: Did they attend class and take part in group discussion with thoughtful ideas?

2. Initiative/Reliability: Do they get done the tasks they say their going do?

3.Cooperation/Communication: Do they express good communication skills such as; answering emails, coming to meetings, and working well will other teamates.

4. Research Quality - Everyone was expected to obtain certian research, Was their research done fully and from quality resources?

5. Deadlines met - Was the students information posted our grous google docs in a timely manner?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Looking through my room to apply the 5s process I found that I already have a good start on fulling the 5s's However, the one I found I needed to work on was that everything has its place for quick retrieval and  storage. But I also think this one goes hand in hand with cleanliness. So I started with my desk I cleaned it up and made sure that everything was in its place for quick retrieval and for proper storage. Below I have a before and after of how my desk looks. 


My desk is now usable and designed for better studying, My Book that I need the most are on my desk and now I have plenty of room for my computer and papers.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Quality Management

Jeffrey Thompson serves as a quality improvement advisor for the Mayo Clinic, Rochester Minn. In this position Thompson works to facilitate process assessment, improvement and redesign. Thompson’s responsibilities include consultation, facilitation and education on quality improvement methodologies and tools to provide value to patients that is consistent with the principles and goals of Mayo Clinic
Thompson joined Mayo Clinic in July 2008 as a Quality Improvement Advisor within Quality Management Services in Rochester. Prior to joining Mayo, he worked as a Six Sigma Black Belt within the Lean Six Sigma Department at the Memorial Hermann Healthcare System in Houston, Texas. Thompson is a licensed physical therapist with clinical inpatient rehabilitation experience. He has a master’s in healthcare administration from Texas Woman’s University in Houston and a master’s in physical therapy from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
mayo clinic

specific Ethical Question

Would letting a football player play knowing they are injured such as a concussion and not say anything right because it is their last football game?

NO! they could hurt themselves even worse. It is mine job to tell them and their coaches of the injury if decide to play it is on them.

I can understand where the concussion might be minor and the player would be able to play. However, there is a protocol for a reason. And if the player is cleared too early they could cause further injury by sustaining a TBI or Traumatic brain injury. I will stand by my decision as to not let them play they could further hurt themselves or others.
 interview with Head Athletic trainer at UW- Stout Susan Lew

Monday, October 24, 2011

POST 6,7 and 8

Blog Post 6: Diversity

Diversity to me is about learning. We all come from different background and from different experiences which give every person on matter what their race or color, a different view of life. Within my field of interest there isn’t only one right way to achieve a successful result, therefore, being able to learn and grow with new people and new techniques will be the best way for me to be successful within my career.

From Wharton College Physical Therapist assistant
“Furthermore, the program is committed to the development of health care practitioners who appreciate and value racial, social, and cultural diversity, who are dedicated to the safe, legal, and ethical practice of physical therapy, who seek involvement in professional organizations that govern the practice of physical therapy, and who are committed to lifelong learning.”

 “We, the Nazareth community, embrace both respect for the person and freedom of speech. The College promotes civility and denounces acts of hatred or intolerance. The free exchange of ideas is possible only when concepts, values and viewpoints can be expressed and challenged in a manner that is neither threatening nor demeaning.

 It is the policy of Nazareth College, in keeping with its efforts to foster a community in which the diversity of all members is respected, not to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, marital or veteran status, disability, carrier status, genetic predisposition or any other protected status. Respect for the dignity of all peoples is an essential part of the College's tradition and mission, and its vision for the future.”

“The Ohio State University is committed to building a diverse faculty and staff for employment and promotion to ensure the highest quality workforce, to reflect human diversity, and to improve opportunities for minorities and women. The university embraces human diversity and is committed to equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, and eliminating discrimination. This commitment is both a moral imperative consistent with an intellectual community that celebrates individual differences and diversity, as well as a matter of law.”

 “COSA Diversity is consistent with the Third Tradition of COSA, which states that the only requirement for COSA membership is that our lives have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior. The COSA Fellowship welcomes all genders, all varieties of relationship to the addict, all religious and spiritual preferences, all employment statuses, all marital statuses, all ethnicities, cultures, and languages. COSA does not discriminate on the basis of class, sexual orientation or gender identification, physical or mental challenges, race, or national origins. In COSA, we find hope whether or not there is a sexually addicted person currently in our lives. COSA Diversity is consistent with the First Tradition of COSA, which states that our common welfare should come first, personal recovery depends upon COSA unity. “

“This document addresses the importance of providing medical students with a culturally competent curriculum. It outlines what it means to be culturally competent, what should be included in a medical school curriculum to address diversity, and it also includes how to assess students’ level of cultural competence through their attitudes, knowledge, and skills. The document describes how to use the Tool for Assessing Cultural Competence Training (TACCT), as well as how to develop and implement a culturally competent curriculum.”

Blog Post 7: General Ethics
APTA: Physical therapists and physical therapist assistants should strive to apply principles of altruism, excellence, caring, ethics, respect, communication and accountability in working together with other professionals to achieve optimal health and wellness in individuals and communities.

I found that there is a world confederation for physical therapy. No matter where you are in the world you have the same code of ethics and code of conduct. Click to view the full document.

Blog Post 8: Ethical Question
Is it ethical for a physician to accept Wild tickets from a pharmaceutical rep to take her family to the game?

In my opinion I don’t feel it is unethical for a Doctor to take the tickets. A Doctor takes an oath to provide the best care to their ability. A Doctor would never give a pill to someone if it would not benefit the patents health. All the Pharmaceutical companies are doing are selling a brand. Every company has an antibiotic that’s good and works. However, the wild tickets are not going to erase 7 plus years of school and training. The doctor will not all of a sudden start handing out pills that aren’t needed. (which would be unethical) So yes, accepting the tickets is completely ethical.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Post 4: Carbon Dioxide Paper Evaluation

Post 4: Carbon Dioxide Paper Evaluation

1. Post your group's presentation.

2. Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the criteria established. Where these good criteria, or should there have been different criteria established? I thought this was good criteria. However, maybe more should have been added, the IPCC has alot of criteria that a paper has to meet.
3. Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the presentations as a whole. Consider the "yes" and "no" groups as a whole. The yes group didn't have alot of prove that it was valued. And then when asked about certain points they just answered what they thought the answer was instead of finding proof in the paper or in the science community. Strengths were they did have some scientific information and they did research alot of sources. The No's had alot of prove that the information was invalid and could prove that the data was not accurate. A weakness was there was alot of repeat of information.
4. Reflect on the group management of your group. What went well, what did not? We all worked well together, we found each others strength and used them. We also put it up on google so we all could work on it at the same time. I don't really think anything went poorly. We worked pretty smoothly.
5. Reflect on the personal "ethic" you felt in your group. Did you believe in your position? Where you arguing against your beliefs?  I was arguing for my belief, I do think there was some good information however, overall  the paper was invalid.
6. Did the class make the correct decision when considering the broader impacts of the global warming/climate change debate? Why? We were not debate about the climate change. We were arguing whether the paper was valid and I do think the class made the right decision.
7. Explain the statement, "What we do in the US, soon will not matter." Provide evidence to justify this statement.  Well, there are two ways this can go. And I ask in terms of what. Education? inventions? in war? And I do agree with some if the US decided to take on the world what we would do probably would not matter.  We are slowly being out number in this world of Europe, Aisa and other Countries. Therefore, the things we might do maybe not matter.
8. Explain this statement, "What we do as individuals matters." Provide evidence to justify this statement. I agree, there has been some very important and successful people in this world. This world would be drasticly different with out them. No eletricity? no phones?, no medicines? This world is build on indiviuals and the things they let their minds discover.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


What makes a paper valid?
 I think that the sources need to get legitimate and are the references experts. Also I think it is important that the experiment can be replicated and the same results are concluded.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.
“I don’t much care where –” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.”

Why do we need a personal development Plan? and the simple answer is to be successful!

After looking through many examples and speaking with some of my wonderful friends I have put together a list of things, in my opinion, should be in every one's PDP!

1. Your life purpose/ mission- this would include what you want out of life, what you want to accomplish, what makes you happy or what were you born to do and be apart of. For example mine is
(be successful, to help injured athletes achieve their full potential, to use my knowledge and skills to make someone better and give them opportunities they otherwise might not of had, to help make society be more healthy and live better lives, by maintaining their movement and mobility)

2. Dreams/ Goals- In my opinion these are very important. Goals keep you focused and remind you what you want out of life. You should list short term and long term goals. My big life goals are listed below on my blog page.

3. Values-  Values and beliefs are very important! Remembering who you are and who you want to be will help you when making ethical decisions in the work place. " if you don't stand for something, you will far for anything."

for example- I very strongly believe in my christian faith and value my religious community. I value hard work, family, financial security, great friendships, supportive and positive people and environments, education, and a healthy life style.

4. Lessons/ mistakes- I actually find this very interesting and think it would have great impact. As humans I feel like we all think we are perfect and try to forget the mistakes of the past. But without the past you wouldn't be who you are today. This portion isn't meant to dwell on the past but rather to remind yourself of the lessons we have learned along the way. These may be extremely private and very hard to face, but this is to hold ourselves accountable and will prove to future employers that they can also hold us accountable for our actions.

for example- I learned the hard way to value my education, I would skip classes and not do my homework to the best of my ability, and because of my actions I almost ruined my dreams/ goals of my future career. This is a great way to remind myself what is at stake.

5. Accomplishments- Big or small, celebrate the little successes in life whether it be running a marathon or finishing a long over due "To Do List" Everyone has minor successes each and everyday, and its those little successes that will help us accomplish our big goals

after five years in your career, what should you have on your PDP

1. self assessment plan- have you gotten done what you had planned, and does a new road map need to get put in place. Also, having outside input to asses where you are.

2. financially stable and planning for the future experiences
3. action plan- it's not good enough to just have goals or a road map. How are you going to get to your goals? What are you actively going to do? and to correct if you aren't where you want to be

also, including a value list and a skills list 

How much does a penny weigh?

Today in Issues for Science Professionals, APSC-311 class we were asked a very simple question how much does a penny weigh? At first glance this looks like a very simple question and could be answered very quickly by replying  2.5 grams approximately.  However, Dr. Schultz asked the full question like this, "It is Saturday morning 9 am, and I walk by acoustic café, and I look on the side walk and there is a penny there I pick up the penn,y how much does it weigh?" and knowing him there was a reason why he asked it like this.  My answer is I do not have enough information to give the proper answer. First of all it depends on the date. After doing some research I found that the Indian Head pennies dated 1864 to 1909 weigh 3.11 grams. The Lincoln, Wheat Ears Reverse penny weighs 3.11 grams except for steel cents made only in 1943 that weigh 2.67 grams. The Lincoln, Memorial Reverse penny (1959 to mid 1982) weighs 3.11 grams.The Lincoln, Memorial Reverse penny (mid 1982 to present) weighs 2.5 grams. Secondly, is the penny clean and is perfect condition, Or is there gum stuck to it or has it gone through a lawn mower and has part of it missing.
